Rocket Auto Email Policy
Last Updated: April 15, 2022
Rocket Auto Email Policy
To demonstrate our commitment to prompt and convenient communications, we have adopted the following terms and conditions regarding Email and Text (Mobile Messages), which are incorporated by reference into all Emails and Texts sent and received by our Team Members (i.e., our employees). Our communications with you via Email and Text are conditioned upon your agreement to the following terms.
Email is an effective means of communicating a message. However, due to its brief and informal nature, Email may not accurately represent the entire or final disposition of a matter or the official business records of Rocket Auto. Accordingly, Email, by itself, may not accurately reflect the complete communication or intent of Rocket Auto as to the subject matter referred to within the communication. All official matters should be subsequently confirmed in signed writings. Also, the mere receipt of an Email by Rocket Auto may not put Rocket Auto on notice, timely or otherwise, of the matters contained within that Email.
Emails Are Generally Not Formal Signed Writings; E-Sign Disclaimer
Unless there is explicit and specific language and disclosures to the contrary, Emails from Rocket Auto do not contain or constitute an electronic signature, even if the sender's name appears in the Email.
Confidential Information
Emails sent by our Team Members are confidential (and all attachments to such Emails are confidential) and are to be reviewed and/or disclosed to only the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and intended. If you received an Email in error or if it was improperly forwarded to you, the information contained in the Email should, at all times, remain confidential and such circumstances shall not authorize you to use or disclose the confidential information. Please notify the sender immediately by telephone or Email, and delete or destroy the original and any copies. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Emails marked as "Confidential" contain confidential and/or proprietary information that is disclosed under the condition that you treat and maintain such information strictly in a confidential manner and in compliance with applicable privacy laws and that you ensure such information is not disclosed or used by others, except for the limited and confidential purpose for which it is being provided. By accepting and reviewing Confidential information provided by Rocket Auto, you agree to indemnify and hold Rocket Auto harmless against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, or expenses, including attorney's fees that Rocket Auto may incur as a result of the unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential information due to your acts or omissions.
Privileged Information
Emails exchanged with or involving our Legal Team may contain privileged information subject to the attorney client privilege and/or the attorney work product privilege. Such privileged information shall not be waived if you receive an Email in error or if it was improperly forwarded to you. If you are not the intended recipient of privileged information, please notify the sender immediately by telephone or Email and delete or destroy the original and any copies. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, reproduction, or distribution of confidential or privileged information is strictly prohibited.
Time-Sensitive Instructions and Official Matters; Filters
Do not use Email to communicate time-sensitive instructions or official company matters; they may not be received or reviewed by the appropriate Team Member in a timely manner. All Emails are processed through various virus and spam filters which may delay or reject the delivery of an Email altogether. Urgent matters should be communicated in person directly with the person of concern via telephone and then confirmed in writing with the appropriate person via fax or Email. Rocket Auto reserves the right to block any Email source it deems inappropriate.
Business Purposes
Rocket Auto's Email facilities are to be used only for conducting business with Rocket Auto. Vendors, suppliers, clients and others receiving Email from our Team Members may not use our Team Member's Email address or contact information (or any other person's Email address appearing on or in Company Email) for any purpose other than corresponding with Rocket Auto for lawful and legitimate business purposes relating to the business of Rocket Auto. The receipt of an Email is not Rocket Auto's consent, nor our Team Member's consent, for you to use our Team Member's Email address or contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third-parties, and such use is strictly prohibited.
Monitoring Of Communications
All Emails sent to or from our Team Members may be forwarded, monitored, and/or reviewed by others within Rocket Auto other than the designated recipient/sender with or without notice to the designated recipient/sender. We may also record or monitor other forms of communications you have with us via the website, PC-talk, chat, Email, and telephone. By using such communication methods, you are consenting to the recording or monitoring of the same.
Unsecured Transmissions
You should be aware that regular Email is typically sent via the Internet which is an open network. While certain designated areas within our applications employ technologies to secure your data and the transmissions between you and Rocket Auto, general Email uses the Internet which is an open system and we cannot provide absolute assurances that all Email transmissions (sent or received) are secure, error free, not corrupted, complete or virus free and/or that they won't be lost, misdelivered, destroyed, delayed, or intercepted/decrypted by others. Therefore Rocket Auto advises against sending sensitive or personally identifiable information, over Email, and disclaims all liability with regard to Emails (and the contents therein) if they are corrupted, lost, destroyed, delayed, incomplete, misdelivered, intercepted, decrypted or otherwise misappropriated by others.
Computer viruses can be transmitted via Email through Email content, attachments to Emails and embedded links. Although our Emails are believed to be free of any virus or other defects that might affect computer systems in which they are received and opened, it is the recipient's responsibility to ensure that any Email they open is virus free. Rocket Auto is not responsible for any loss or damage arising in any way from the receipt, use, storage or transmission of our Emails. If Rocket Auto forwards an Email or replies to a prior Email, the contents may have been produced by someone other than Rocket Auto or our Team Members for which Rocket Auto assumes no liability whatsoever. ROCKET AUTO DISCLAIMS ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY THAT COMPANY EMAILS ARE VIRUS FREE AND/OR ERROR FREE. The use of Email to introduce any virus, malicious or disabling code, or to otherwise interfere with Rocket Auto's Email transmissions, telecommunication, or computer networks is prohibited and against the law; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Prohibited Email Content
All of our Team Members are prohibited from using Email to make or send any type of menacing, defamatory, discriminatory, harassing, offensive or threatening statements/materials, or statement/materials that infringe the copyrights or legal rights of others. Such communications are against Company policy and outside the scope of our Team Member's employment. Rocket Auto does not accept any liability in respect of such communication, and the Team Member responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising. Please report any such violations to our Client Relations Team at (800) 338-5240. The use of Rocket Auto's Email facilities for purposes of sending menacing, harassing, offensive or threatening messages to our Team Members is strictly prohibited and is unlawful; violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Use of Rocket Auto's Email facilities for purposes of soliciting our Team Members to breach their employment agreements or to interfere with their employment status with Rocket Auto is strictly prohibited.
All Rights Reserved; Statements Attributable To Rocket Auto
Rocket Auto reserves all rights as to Rocket Auto's content in its Email and this Email policy statement. No part of Rocket Auto's Email (or this policy statement) may be reproduced, published, or distributed in any manner without the express written permission of Rocket Auto. The only official publishable public statements that can be attributed to Rocket Auto are statements issued by Rocket Auto's Director of Public Relations or by an officer of Rocket Auto (i.e., Chairman, CEO, President, or Corporate Counsel).
Negligent Misstatement
Rocket Auto disclaims any and all responsibility, including responsibility based on negligence or negligent misstatement, for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of data or information contained in or furnished through Email and Rocket Auto makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to such data or information.
IRS Circular 230 Disclosure
Rocket Auto disclaims any U.S. federal tax advice contained in or furnished through Email (including any attachments). Any reliance upon such tax advice cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to any other party any transaction or matter that is addressed, contained in or furnished through Email (including any attachments).
Governing Law
Any disputes pertaining to Email shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. Any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions may only be filed only in the state or federal courts located in Michigan.
How to Opt-Out
Email from Rocket Auto may constitute an advertisement or solicitation under U.S. law, if the primary purpose is to advertise or promote a commercial product or service. If you do not wish to receive advertising and promotional messages from Rocket Auto, please specify your preference by visiting our Email from Rocket Auto may constitute an advertisement or solicitation under U.S. law, if the primary purpose is to advertise or promote a commercial product or service. If you do not wish to receive advertising and promotional messages from Rocket Auto, please specify your preference by visiting our website:
Privacy Policy
You can view our privacy policy by clicking here.
For questions about email or mobile messaging, please contact Rocket Auto client relations at (800) 338-5240 or